The Pueblo of Pojoaque is a community whose Native American culture dates back centuries. Come for the many food and entertainment options, fall in love with the views, arts, and time-honored traditions that make it one of a kind.
Pojoaque Pueblo
30 Buffalo Thunder Trail Santa Fe, NM 87506
(505) 455-4500

Native communities, sites and events held on Tribal lands are open to the public at the Tribal communities' discretion.
Schedules may change suddenly, always call ahead before planning your visit.
Today, about 2,712 people live on Pueblo lands. Tribal enterprises include the Cities of Gold Casino which features restaurants, shopping, a sports bar and a hotel; visit their website for reservations.
The Poeh Cultural Center features Pueblo art and exhibits, hosts traditional Indian dances on weekends, and preserves the traditional arts of the Tewa-speaking Pueblos. It also houses an information center and the largest Indian arts and crafts shop in northern New Mexico.
The Pueblo just opened the new Towa Golf Resort for visitors and locals alike.
In 2008 the Buffalo Thunder Resort became the largest and most extravagant resort in New Mexico.
In addition to its numerous Tribal enterprises, the Pueblo has a Wellness Center that houses a gym, library, CHR Program and senior citizens center. The Pueblo also opened a boys and girls club for its younger Tribal and non-Tribal members. The Pojoaque Pueblo Tourist Center, displays and sells locally made pottery, rugs, sculpture, kachinas, sand paintings, and other souvenirs. The Pueblo's revived feast day is December 12, in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe. There also are dances on January 6.
Population: 2,712
Language: Tewa
Location: North Central
Unique Attractions: Kings Day, Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Day, Towa Golf Course
Nearby Locations: Bandelier National Monument, Los Alamos, Nambé Pueblo, Tesuque Pueblo and Village, Santa Fe Opera
The Pueblo is located 15 miles (25 kilometers) north of Santa Fe on US 84/285.