“...Primarily serving the cattle ranches of the area, an old store, built of solid stone, carried goods and supplies for the villagers.”
The town of Montoya, in Quay County, was born as a loading point for the Southern Pacific Railroad in 1902. Primarily serving the cattle ranches of the area, an old store, built of solid stone, carried goods and supplies for the villagers. Still standing the test of time is the Sylvan R. and Maria Ignacia Hendren house affectionately called "Casa Alta". Though innocently mistaken for an old stone store, "Casa Alta" was a four room house built in the early 1900's. Other houses built by this pioneering couple are at the nearby Hendren Ranch. Surrounding this old building are relics of a time long past—houses and ranch buildings of an earlier cattle trade.
When Route 66 pushed through, more services were made available to those early travelers, including Richardson’s Store and Sinclair Station. Opening in 1925, this old store continued to do business until the mid 1970s when its owner passed away. During the Mother Road's heyday, it was a popular stopping point. Visitors can still see what remains of this old mercantile beyond a chain link fence, where the vintage gas pumps stand regally, speaking of better times.
Just west of Tucumcari on Old Route 66
Getting There
Montoya is Located just west of Tucumcari on the original Route 66. Inquire locally for directions.